Thursday, September 3, 2009

A Fun New Treasury - POP Culture

I was in a silly mood when I went looking for items for a new Treasury on Etsy. There are so many things to choose from there. You can find anything from elegant to down right disgusting. Today's choices fall somewhere in between those two extremes.

Who doesn't love bubbles? They can be beautiful, fleeting things, but they can also be fun! I can still hear the giggles from my kids when I made bubbles in the kitchen and let them chase them and slide in the soapy remains after they popped. I can also remember trying to get bubble gum out of long blonde hair! Fun days. Hope this Treasury brings back some happy memories for you too.

POP Culture


Audrey said...

That's a great treasury!! I haven't made one in so long - I think I'll go hunting for some cool items and see if one opens soon.

Kay said...

Very cool treasury! The colors alone make it special. Good job.