Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Out My Window!

Just look at the view I had from my office window yesterday.  This is only part of the flock.  I couldn't get the entire group into one shot.  They are Starlings and talk about noisy!!!!  I and my poor kitty are very glad they have moved on.  Pardon the picture quality. It was taken through the screen window.

One thing about it. It's another sign that Winter is rapidly approaching.  Sweet corn season is over.  All that is left at the farmer's stand up the road is squash and pumpkins.  Pretty soon I have to get out there and get after those leaves.  Yuck.


Jean Tuthill said...

I'm not looking forward to winter, we get lots of snow here. But I decided that I will enjoy the Fall and Winter, in spite of it. I like your picture of the Grackles, they must be looking for grubs....or bugs...

Miss Val's Creations said...

Wow! That's a lot of birds!!!

Deanna said...

Hi Sandy!
I've been out for a while but hopefully can return full time in a couple of weeks. Wanted to stop by and say hello! Loved the photo of all the's amazing!

Deanna :D