Monday, December 14, 2009

My Home Craft Sale aka - How I've been wasting my time

Hello All,

As you can see by the dates on my posts, I haven't been around much lately. That is because this year 3 of us decided to go together and have a craft sale in my home. Seemed like a good idea at the time. I figured the work split 3 ways wouldn't be too bad. Unfortunately, as they say, the best laid plans of mice and men... One of my friends came down with pneumonia and the other just seemed too busy to help. So, I cleaned, sorted, hauled, set up, manned, and tore down the entire thing by myself. I felt I had to have what I advertised so they brought their stuff to my house. I did the rest.

I have spent the past few weeks on this project. I made items I don't normally sell. I baked dozens and dozens of cookies. I cleaned my house in places I forgot even existed. Busy, busy, busy.... Then there was the $$$ invested in supplies, ingredients and advertising. All done in the hopes of making a few extra dollars to help shut the banks up for at least a month. No such luck around here, my friends! We have had no measurable snow this year. That is, until the first day of the show. It started snowing and blowing and kept it up for the next 48 hours. The exact hours of my 2 day show. Five people showed up. Only 4 of them bought anything. What a total disaster! Soooo discouraging! I would have been much better off keeping up with my blog and working online. At least that's the feeling I got. One of my friends took pity on me and my efforts and let me keep the money from her few sales. With that, and what I made I almost broke even, but not quite. Once again, what seemed like a good idea turned to dust.

I've included some pictures of the show. My house looked so nice and festive. See me waving to you in the shot of my earring display? It was so pretty here for those 2 days. I just wish fate had allowed some actual buyers to see it!

Hope you all have a great week.



Country Wings in Phoenix said...

Oh Sandy Sweetie...
Isn't that just about the way it goes? The faster we pedal the further behind we get. Can't tread water fast enough you know.

It seems like everytime I try to do something to help make it better, it never works right. The devil himself working against us. I guess 5 visitors were better than none at all. Look at it this way. You know won't have to clean until Summer maybe.

I am truly sorry it didn't turn out like you expected. Everything does look so nice though. You did an exceptional job setting it all up.

Have a beautiful day sweetie. Please pop over and say hello. I posted a nice poem today that I think you would enjoy.

Country hugs...Sherry

LindaS said...

Really, really nice displays! I probably would have cancelled when the others bailed out! But now you know what it takes to do a home show - perhaps it may be more successful next year in the spring or early summer?

Stef H said...

well i definitely have missed you. i've learned the hard way... do NOT include friends in ANY kind of sales - garage sales included!!!! GOD has other things in mind for you which is why the snow during the sale. but if i were closer, i'd have been there. your house looks stunning!

wishing you a truly blessed christmas and a new year full of happy miracles.


Sandy said...

This was a Christmas themed show, so the stuff I made will not sell any other time of the year. I put Christmas out in my shop year round and most people just go "Yuck, I don't even want to think about Christmas!" I don't think I will be trying it again any time soon.

beyondbaffled said...

I hate that you were discouraged - and darn the weather! Your house did look beautiful though, maybe there will be a next time. Stay positive!

Rainy Day Gardener said...

Your decorations and displays were so beautiful! I'm sorry you had a low turnout! I hope your lovely new items will keep well because you are already set and ready to go for next year!